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Assembly planning

We design detailed plans for facades individually according to their requirements, documentary and clients' will. Among all of the facades we specialize mainly in ventilated facades.


support structures/substructures we design are made of wood, steel or aluminium. We have worked on many systems,but our experience and knowdledge is based on BWM and Systea systems.


Our offer always consists of initial inquiry, project scope and finally project execution with structure details and joints in form of drawing.



Statische Berechnungen


We offer advance static analysis and calculation according to Eurocode or DIN using Autodesk software : Robot Structural Analysis Professsional. Addiationally, in our offer we ensure always to find pratical and most effective solution.




  • Visualisierung

Materials compilation

Based on our experience we have learnt that well organized material positioning allows to perform facade assembly according to plans. Consequently we prepare idividually for each construction list of necessary materials with detailed quantities,which are based on earlier performed static analysis and construction assambly plans.


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